S Nateom Gerberom sme sa spoznali na poslednom English-Baseball campe, kde prišiel ako jeden z dobrovoľníkov. Odvtedy sme neprestali byť v kontakte a o pár mesiacov neskôr k nám prišiel zas.
S jeho energiou a srdcom dobrovoľníka by sa dali hory prenášať. Za desať februárových dní, ktoré s nami strávil, sme sa však stihli lepšie spoznať a predstaviť mu náš prievidzský klub, zázemie a zapojiť ho do programu. Nate je momentálne na ďalšej zo svojich misií s Goodsports v Ukrajine. Myslíme si však a pravdu povediac aj dúfame, že to nebol posledný krát, čo sme sa spolu stretli.
V každom prípade sme vďačný za túto vzácnu návštevu
Goodsports Prievidza
We met Nate Gerber at the last English-Baseball camp, where he came as one of the volunteers. Since then we haven’t stopped being in touch and a few months later he came to visit us again.
With his energy and the heart of a volunteer, mountains could be moved. However, during the ten February days he spent with us, we managed to get to know him better and introduce him to our Prievdza club, the background, and involve him in the program. Nate is currently on another of his missions with Goodsports in Ukraine. However, we think and, to tell the truth, we also hope that it was not the last time we met.
Nevertheless, we are grateful for this rare visit